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A Joyful Journey

Embrace the life you want today



How did we get here?




The short version is we both have experienced divorce in our past life, as we like to say.


We both had time to find ourselves while being single and participating in many first dates.


And with the help of the Universe serendipitously placing us across the street from one another we couldn’t help but notice each other.


Yes, we met in an “old school” way…. we were neighbors first. No fun online dating story to share here. Just the old fashion way to meet a new person and end up falling in love.


It’s kind of romantic, isn’t it?


The rest was pretty much history ……..we realize that we have a good thing so let’s not mess it up!


We realized that we have found ourselves together in the best relationship EVER.


So that led us to have a conversation as to why we think this is our best relationship?


As we began to brainstorm, we realized that it was the little things that we do different…. The sweet gestures to one another, the small conversations about each other’s day, the hand holding and kisses.


The list is ongoing, and we are constantly learning the answer to this question. However, we decided that we need to share what we learn with YOU.


One, because we live in a world where information is at our fingertips so why not share a good thing when you know you have it so others can benefit.


And two, Because there are so many people out there caught in a storm of busyness that sometimes a little guidance is exactly what you need.


And more importantly, it’s not hard to have your best relationship EVER. 


It’s the little moments…. the small gestures….the loving embraces…..the text saying "i love you."


Therefore, we have decided to blog about what we are learning on this second round of love and hope to inspire you to do the same.


Whether you are in a long relationship, brand new, or looking for love we know that you found us for a reason.


Enjoy and we invite you to start your own journey and let us inspire you along the way.

With Love & Kindness,


Justin and Leah

Our Story

My Services: Service
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